It’s that time of year again! Please watch your mailboxes for information and proxy materials for the upcoming Annual Meeting.
Please take the time to submit your proxy. By promptly submitting your proxy electronically or returning the blue paper proxy you can help your corporation avoid the necessity and expense of sending follow-up letters to ensure a quorum.
In this special newsletter, you will find the following important information, which you will also receive in the mail very soon:
- Annual Meeting Information: Date, Time, Access Information, Purpose.
- Candidates: Candidate statements for each of the Candidates: Lowell Frank, Laurence Garrity, Alysha Guthrie, Martina Ruhle, Martin Strand, G. Ken Truitt, James Wilkins, and Faleene Worrell.
- Corporate Proxy Return Incentive:Submit your proxy before the proxy deadline and receive $25!
- Annual Meeting Prizes:Submit your proxy before the deadlines for a chance to win Early Bird and Electronic prizes.
- Questions: Submit your question(s) for the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting.
- Annual Meeting Documents:Links to the Annual Report, Proxy Statement, Proxy, Voter Incentive, Prize Sheet, Instructions to watch the Live Stream of the Annual Meeting, and a Question Card.
Please take the time to submit your corporate proxy.
September 12, 2020
Shee Atiká, Incorporated (herein “Shee Atiká” or “SAI”), an Alaska corporation with an address of 315 Lincoln Street, Suite 300, Sitka, Alaska, 99835, invites its shareholders to the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting which will be held by remote communications means as a “virtual” meeting instead of in-person (the “Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting”), which will be called to order on Saturday, September 12, 2020 at approximately 12:00 p.m. ADT, and during any adjournment thereof, for the following purposes:
- To hear a report on Shee Atiká’s operations for 2019.
- To elect three Directors whose terms shall expire at the Annual Meeting in 2023.
The record date for the Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting is July 13, 2020, and only shareholders holding Class A voting stock as of 5:00 p.m. ADT on such date are eligible to vote with regard to the Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof. Shareholders with non-voting Class B stock may participate in the Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting, but will not be able to vote.
This year due to the extraordinary circumstances presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no voting during the Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting. Instead, the ONLY means of voting for purposes of the Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting will be by submitting either an online proxy at or paper proxy. Each submitted shareholder proxy that is otherwise valid will constitute a revocable ballot for purposes of the Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting that will become (if unrevoked) a final ballot when the Proxy deadline passes at 5:00 p.m. ADT on September 10, 2020.
Dated: August 12, 2020
By: Norma J. Perkins, Secretary/Shee Atiká, Incorporated

Lowell Frank
“I am Lowell Frank, I am Haida. I was raised in Sitka and lived there until 2014 when I transferred to California to pursue employment growth. I am currently living in Puallup Washington.
II have previously expressed interest in serving on the Shee Atiká board, and once again, I am writing to express interest in serving as a director. I am hopeful that 2020 will offer many new opportunities for the corporation to be successful and I ask for your support in becoming a director, to help in pursuing that success.
I hold a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from The University of Phoenix. My business background is within the building material industry, starting in Sitka with Spenard Builders Supply, where I worked my way through the ranks to manage the operation for a number of years. I have also operated lumber yards in California and Wyoming. I have board experience, including seats on the Sawmill Cove industrial park board, Greater Sitka Chamber of Commerce and Sitka Golf Association.
My father was an original director with Shee Atiká Inc., therefore I have a strong desire to ensure the future success of the corporation. I recall the dedication and challenges that faced the original directors and want to do what I can to make sure that the work they all put in is not forgotten, by working hard to help the corporation operate profitably.
I was a recipient of educational financial assistance from Shee Atiká and feel that it is very important that the corporation continue to aid shareholders and descendants in their pursuit of higher education. In order for this to continue, the corporation’s current business interests need to operate profitably and new business opportunities must be pursued. I am hopeful that all who have benefitted from these education funds are able to make the most of their education, and possibly be keys to the future success of Shee Atiká Inc., based on their education.
I feel the corporation is at a critical point, with a new CEO in place. It is my hope that we can ensure the corporation’s future success by electing a board with a strong business background and the vision to pursue wise and profitable enterprises. Every bit as critical is having an effective board that can work as a team for the benefit of the entire corporation and its shareholders. Much work has been done to get to where we are, and it is important to many of us that all that work, not be wasted. Please give careful consideration with your votes and help elect a progressive, cohesive, business minded board that will give Shee Atiká Inc. the best opportunity to be profitable well into the future.
I am excited at the prospect of serving on the board and working with the leadership to pursue future success and profitability. I would appreciate your support in my pursuit of a position on the Shee Atiká board. Háw’aa.”

Laurence “Larry” Garrity
“I am Laurence “Larry” Garrity, Kichnaalx of the Deisheetan clan. I was elected as an independent board member in 2017. I was born and raised in Sitka, the grandson of the late John and Mabel Didrickson, son of Joni Lewis, and proud father of five daughters.
As one of the original Gajaa Heen Dancers, I have felt the need to give back to my Native community, and have spent couple of years volunteering at SNEP instructing dance, and also many years with the Naa Kahidi Dancers. I have been committed to teaching dance the way Charlie Joseph, Sr. had taught me. I feel it is important we do not let our traditional dance get lost.
I have been a certified journeyman electrician for almost 40 years, served on the Apprenticeship Board for I.B.E.W., was asked to help write a new Alaska State Electrical Journeyman license test, have spent the last 24 years in Alaska’s oil industry; while at Alyeska, I helped initiate a committee to implement Section 29, which is the section that deals with oil companies’ obligation to hire a certain percentage of Alaska Natives. I served as chair to ensure the oil companies fulfilled their obligation. I served as the project lead on the vapor recovery project and the pipeline electrification at Alyeska. I have been a certified Infrared Technician since 2001 and helped develop the Infrared Programs at both Alyeska and BP. I have served on various hiring committees and diversity committees at both companies, as well.
I would like to continue to work towards making Shee Atiká Inc. a respected and profitable corporation. I am proud of the steps we have taken as a board to move toward these goals. With a new CEO and a large turnover in the board, I feel we are heading in the right direction. It may not be as fast as we all would like, but as a minority of new voices on the board, it takes time. Regardless, things are moving in the right direction now. The addition of ANR as a profitable business has helped move us towards financial stability, and the changing of our investment company to Mesirow Financial has shown to be a great change for our company and will also provide more long-term stability. Our challenges are to keep striving to do better, to find more ways to sustain the long term goals of financial stability for our children, grandchildren and beyond. We have big decisions to make when it comes to our land, we still control land on Charcoal Island and land in Katlian Bay that a state road will soon be completed allowing us to access our land.
I am asking for the votes of our shareholders, as I would be humbled to be able to continue to work toward positive changes in our corporation for our shareholders, and generations to come.”

Alysha Guthrie
“My educational ambitions and professional experience this far has been the culmination of my desire to serve our native people and my passion for our region. Shee Atiká is in a great position with new leadership to make positive changes. I would love the opportunity to be a part of that. My goals as a contributing board member include working to expand business operations to provide additional opportunities for our shareholders, and to increase transparency and shareholder engagement. I would like to partner with the current board and our management team to lay out the strategic direction of our corporation. We need to define the goals and objectives of our current operations and explore the vast opportunities for economic growth and increased prosperity for our future generations.
I hold a business degree in marketing from Fort Lewis College and a Master in Business Administration in Finance from Washington State University. I grew up in Sitka with my parents, Rick and Kathy Paden. My professional experience has been in business, economic, and community development projects primarily for tribal organizations in Southeast. In my current position I work to market our Alaska seafood internationally. I work to cultivate and grow markets globally to support our Alaska fishing communities.
It would be an honor to serve in this capacity to represent our shareholders and work for the benefit of us all. I am humbly asking for your vote to represent you and our collective future. Gunalcheesh.”

Martina Ruhle
“With my cultural knowledge, education and work history, I believe I would be an excellent fit for the success of Shee Atiká Incorporated. If elected, I would like to implement a Back-to-Our-Roots approach.
Koon suw géi, yoo xat duwasaakw. Kik.sádi aya xat. Kaagwaantaan yádi xat sitee. My maiden name is Martina Strand and my parents are Martin Sr. and Marcia Strand of Sitka. My married name is Martina Ruhle. My father (K’wách’) was of the Eagle Nest House/Kaagwaantaan and my mother (Sti.sháa) has been adopted into Clay House/Kiks.ádi of Sitka .
Being raised in Sitka, I was honored to learn about my Tlingit culture through the Sitka Native Education Program of regalia-making, beading, dancing, singing, song-calling, making drums, fundraising and group performance. All of these skills helped us perform to the beat of the Gajaa Héen Dancers. But, as we also learned, success involved the borrowing of helpful tools, like Robert’s Rules of Order, in order to run a meeting, elect officers and to give our fundraising efforts structure. I attribute my successes in life to, not only my parents, but to the elders who taught me the practical skills and experiences by growing up with the Gajaa Héen Dancers.
I have been taught to think for myself from my college days at Dartmouth College. I have gained the knowledge and skills of a Certified Paralegal from UAA and job experience, and I have leadership training and certification from the Pathways to Leadership program through ANTHC (my current employer).
In my current employment, I have learned the inner workings of a Board of Directors, serving first the Board directly, then indirectly through my paralegal position in the Legal Department at ANTHC for 10 years.
My approach for the success of Shee Atiká, a corporate structure, is to borrow the Tlingit strengths of balance and cultural knowledge.
- BALANCE: Kaa Sháade Háni: It is imperative the board select a Kaa Sháade Háni to hear input of Shee Atiká shareholders and speak for them — directly to the board. The Kaa Sháade Háni will set up a professional, peaceful and courteous way to give shareholders a vehicle and time for comments. When shareholders are connected, healing and balance can begin.
- CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE: Most importantly, our cultural knowledge should be a sounding board for decision-making for our board of directors. Although a for-profit corporation has a focus on making profits, it is imperative that we access the wealth of Tlingit knowledge to help Shee Atiká survive. Elders are they key.
Shee Atiká Incorporated was created by our grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, aunties, and uncles. Our elders were concerned about our culture and doing right by the Ravens and Eagles for our generation and for future generations to come. Let’s get Back-To-Our-Roots and make those who went before us — proud. Please vote for me.”

Martin Strand
“I’m Martin R. Strand Jr. (Kaa Dei Yax Anak) of the Kiksadi Clan. I was born and raised in Sitka, Alaska. During my time in Sitka, I was a part of the Gajaa Heen Dancers and also of the Sitka Native Education Program (S.N.E.P.). I learned a lot of the Culture from so many people over the years under the S.N.E.P. program and also with the Gajaa Heen Dancers. As some of you know there was a lot expected of us to perform and to treat everyone with respect, especially our Elders. I have taken these lifelong learning’s and used them to wade through life, some very deep and dark and some shallow and delightful.
I used my Shee Atiká scholarships to earn an Associate’s degree in Electronics Engineering. This degree opened up employment opportunities from the day I received it. I have been working in the Semiconductor industry since 1986. I started off as an Operator and worked my way up to a Senior Equipment Technician. I work with very technical equipment that requires a very precise and logical mindset. This industry is always changing and requires quick thinking on your feet to survive. My job requires me to interface with all types of people from all walks of life, from operators up to Factory Managers.
The most important tool that I have learned over the years is to LISTEN to everyone and to try and understand where everyone is coming from. If you don’t listen then you can’t learn and work out problems. If you listen you should be able to work things out to a good resolution.
I have chosen to run for a seat on the Board of Shee Atiká, because I believe I can contribute to the Corporation with a positive and respectful attitude. I want to be able to have this Corporation around for generations to come. I promise that I will work hard to get things done right, the first time, and with respect. I hope you agree with me.”

G. Ken Truitt
“My name is Ken Truitt. My full name is George Kenneth Truitt. I have gone by my middle name since childhood. The late Isabella Brady being the only person to have only ever and always called me by my first name. My Tlingit names are Kadashan and Tuk´ Sāēk. These are James and Howard family names that I am proud to have been given. My parents are Gilbert and Shirley Truitt. Since returning to Alaska after finishing my education, I have lived in Juneau with my wife Charlotte, and together we have raised our family of four daughters Madison, Marissa, Sydney, and Elena.
I have worked my entire life to be a qualified professional and to be in positions to contribute to the improvement of Alaska native peoples. I worked hard to get through college, then law school and I have worked hard professionally to be at this point in my life where I can contribute to Shee Atiká by serving on its board of directors. My combination of legal, management, and Alaska public policy experience will help me serve all shareholders in this capacity, should you allow me this great honor.
The State of Alaska finds itself in perilous fiscal times. Now more than ever for us as Southeast Alaska’s first peoples, the institutions that represent our inheritance and way of life, specifically Shee Atiká, must be financially secure in order to preserve our culture and our values. I am committed to work hard so that Shee Atiká can return to profitability and become a company that creates opportunity for shareholders beyond dividend checks.
To make this a reality I am committed to positive change and increasing transparency in Shee Atiká operations and practices. We as shareholders have to know that Shee Atiká is working with our best interests in mind. And the best way we can know that is if the board and management communicate honestly and transparently about Shee Atiká’s operations and finances.
Gunalchéesh, thank you for this opportunity to serve you.”

James Wilkins
“I am James (Jim) Wilkins, my parents were Connie (See) and Robert Wilkins. I was born and raised in Sitka. My mother was adopted by Mary Marks of the Kiks’adi (Raven-Frog) clan, S’e Hit (Clay House).
I attended K through 12, graduating from Sitka High School in 1982. I attended Shoreline Community College in Seattle for Business Administration specializing in restaurant management as my parents owned the Safe Harbor Inn on Mt. Edgecumbe and The Harbor Inn in Sitka.
I have been a flight attendant for Alaska Airlines for the last 31 years and have worked on various committees with our flight attendant union in roles such as contract grievance, EAP, and professional standards. Prior to Alaska Airlines, I was an auditor for Westmark Hotels at the former Westmark Shee Atiká and also was on the contract negotiating committee for our union and employees at the hotel.
I believe that the Shee Atiká board has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that shareholders have a strong, financially sound corporation to leave to our children, grandchildren and all future generations to come, while honoring our ancestors.
It would be my honor to represent you on our board working to stabilize Shee Atiká’s future financially and culturally, while working to ensure you have fair representation and a voice in our boardroom. I would be grateful for your trust and vote.”

Faleene Worrell
“I am Aanudu.oo, Faleene Worrell. I am Tlingit, originally from Katlian Street, “the village,” in Sitka. My clan is Raven/L´uknax.ádi (Coho), and I am from Katlian Street’s Kayaash Ka Hit (the Platform, or Mother Coho House). My mother is Mary I. Miller, of Sitka, my father is Neil Fisher. I also am a former office assistant under Marta Ryman (later Shee Atiká board chairman) when she led the Sitka Employment Center, Alaska Assistant Sitka Legislative Information Officer, Legislative Aide to the Alaska Speaker of the House/Rules Committee Chairman, Huna Totem Corporation Corporate Accountant, SEARHC interim Accountant, Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority Accountant, and Shee Atiká, Inc. Administrative Assistant, Executive Assistant, Operations Manager, Senior Accountant, committee member, Director and officer–all positions of trust, which I take seriously. My business and government experience are valuable assets to the Shee Atiká board.
I have enjoyed bringing a background of business, government, accounting, competitiveness, and teamwork to the decision table. It is a new year, new decade, and we have hired a new President/CEO. Serving on Shee Atiká, Incorporated’s Board of Directors is an honor, and I humbly seek shareholder support to continue serving.
After paying down debt, Shee Atiká is well-positioned to grow, which is very encouraging. I fully support our company’s 8(a) government contracting businesses. I believe our operating teams offer the federal government and commercial customers excellent services, and the resulting revenue surely benefits our shareholders and companies. Alaska Northstar Resources landed its first contract after one month in operation—that is impressive, and an example of our teams’ great work. I would like to continue serving and working to grow our company.
Education was — and is — very important to our shareholders and the board. Our students’ drive, pride, sacrifice, and commitment benefit them, their families, and communities. As our shareholders benefit, Shee Atiká benefits. Serving as committee chairman was a highlight for me.
Beginning as Shee Atiká’s Administrative Assistant in 1993 after ten years with the Alaska Legislature, I worked through training and schooling. I currently serve on the board as the Vice Chairman, previously served as the Board’s Treasurer and as the Scholarship Committee Chairman and member. I also worked at other for-profit and non-profit companies. I now have a grandchild attending college as a scholarship recipient, so I have another current, deeply personal reason to work for the company providing education scholarships to shareholders. My younger grandchildren use the youth scholarships, so I appreciate, first-hand, the scholarships helping our young loved ones.
I believe the new road crossing our Katlian Bay land is an opportune project for Sitka that had not had a new state-funded road in about fifty years. Katlian Bay’s future is exciting and I hope to help shape that future.
I devote my energy and time, I do not miss meetings, I prepare and participate, and I hope to be re-elected at our 2020 Annual Shareholders Meeting. I humbly ask for, and would appreciate, your direct vote. Gunalcheesh!”
If your corporate proxy is received by the proxy deadline of Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. ADT, and you meet all other requirements below, you will receive $25 by check after the Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting.
- Only voting shareholders of record at 5:00 p.m. ADT on July 13, 2020 are eligible.
- You must submit a valid proxy solicited by the Board of Directors (the “Corporate Proxy”) either electronically or in paper form. Your Corporate Proxy must be received by the Inspector of Election by 5:00 p.m. ADT on September 10, 2020.
- The Corporate Proxy must be valid for use with regard to the Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting.
- The shareholder must submit a Corporate Proxy with regard to all (and not just some) of his or her Shee Atiká shares.
- The Corporate Proxy must be the only valid proxy submitted by the shareholder for the Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting.
- In addition to the Corporate Proxy Return Incentive, shareholders can qualify for the Early Bird and the Electronic Proxy prize drawings.
- Each shareholder is eligible for only one Corporate Proxy Return Incentive, no matter how many times that shareholder submits a proxy. However, shareholders who submit proxies in different statuses (for example, once as to the shares he or she owns outright, and once as a custodian for a child) is eligible for a Corporate Proxy Return Incentive in each such status.
- The Corporate Proxy Return Incentive will be paid as soon as practicable after the Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting.
Submit your Shee Atiká Proxy for chances to win annual meeting prizes!
Early Bird Prizes: Submit your Shee Atiká Proxy either electronically or in paper form so that it is received by September 2, 2020 at 5:00 pm ADT.
Electronic Proxy Prizes: Submit a Shee Atiká Proxy electronically at before the proxy deadline of September 10, 2020 at 5:00 pm ADT.
Shareholders can be eligible to win one prize from each prize drawing!

- Shee Atiká Directors, Officers, Candidates, or any of their respective immediate family members residing with them, or staff members are not eligible for any Annual Meeting Prize.
- Only voting shareholders of record at 5:00 p.m. ADT on July 13, 2020 are eligible.
- For Early Bird Prizes: You must submit a valid paper or electronic proxy so that it is received by the Inspector of Election by 5:00 p.m. ADT on September 2, 2020.
- For Electronic Proxy Prizes: You must submit a valid electronic proxy at by 5:00 pm Sitka, Alaska time on September 10, 2020 and it must remain valid for use with regard to the Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting.
- Shareholders can qualify for both the early bird and the electronic proxy prizes and can be eligible to win one prize from each drawing.
- The drawings for both the Early Bird and the Electronic Prize drawings will be held prior to the Virtual 2020 Annual Meeting. You do not have to be present to win.
You have 31chances to win if you submit your proxy early PLUS an ADDITIONAL 31chances to win if you submit your proxy electronically!
Do you have a question for the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting? If so, you can submit in one of the following ways:
- Click here to submit an online Question Card via the website.
- Email with the following information:
a. Shareholder Name
b. Last 4 digits of Social Security Number
c. Email Address
d. Phone Number
e. Question
Although not all questions may be answered during the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting, all questions will be answered directly by email/mail after the meeting.
Chairman’s Letter
Annual Report (Mailed in April)
Proxy Statement
Prize Sheet
Proxy Incentive
Live Stream Instructions
Question Card
Shee Atiká Incorporated’s mission is to “preserve and enhance our culture for all generations of shareholders, and to provide benefits to shareholders consistently and on an equitable basis.”