Scholarship & Training Listings

Annual Academic, Vocational and Cultural & Heritage

Applicants may be awarded up to $3,000 per academic year for the purpose of earning an academic degree, a vocational certificate, or attending a program/class that advances the cause of Native culture. There is one application deadline per year. The next deadline is March 7, 2025, at 5:00 pm, Alaska time. This deadline is mainly for funding for the 2025/2026 academic year. If you plan to take classes for the summer term in 2025 and classes begin after April 15th, you can apply for that term as well by March 7th. These applications are reviewed/approved by the Scholarship Committee.

Short-Term Training

The short-term training scholarships are available year-round and are approved in-house by staff. Applicants may be awarded up to $850 for the purpose of attending job-related training focused on an immediate job opportunity.

Short-Term Cultural & Heritage

The short-term cultural and heritage scholarships are available year-round and are approved in-house by staff. Applicants may be awarded up to $850 for the purpose of attending a program/class that advances the cause of Native culture. This includes, but is not limited to: Native art, language and subsistence training.

Youth Scholarships

Applicants may be awarded up to $500 per year for the purpose of funding school and community activities for young shareholders. To be eligible, you must be a Class A shareholder between the ages of 5-18 and hold at least 1 share. The youth scholarships are approved in-house by staff one week after an application is submitted. The youth scholarships do not have deadlines and can be awarded throughout the year.

If an application is received after a program has already started, it will not be considered, so please plan ahead.

Get In Touch

If you need assistance filling out an application or have questions please contact our office. We’re happy to help!