Shee Atiká Incorporated is pleased to electronically send you November’s newsletter.  We hope you enjoy it.
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Shee Atiká Incorporated
November Newsletter


At its regular meeting on November 12, the Board of Trustees of Shee Atiká Fund Endowment unanimously approved a 2021 distribution for shareholders of $10.00/unit (share). Shareholders of record on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 are eligible to receive the distribution. Eligible shareholders with direct deposit will receive their funds on December 1, 2021.Checks will be mailed on December 3, 2021. 
In announcing the distribution, Chairman Rob Allen expressed optimism about the corporation’s finances and future.  “Shee Atiká is on a sustainable path, at the start of a period of growth and opportunity. Our investments, property management services, and government contract subsidiaries are all performing well. The era of relying on land sales to fund our activities has finally come to an end.”
CEO Karl Potts, about to start his third year in that role, stated, “The managers and staff at Shee Atiká and its business units have been extremely busy. We have been aggressive and successful in securing federal contracts to expand our capacity, revenue and profits.  We are excited about the opportunities and benefits this will create for our shareholders.”
The board and staff will conclude a year-long strategic planning process at an upcoming board meeting, which will be held in Seattle, December 3 - 4.  The plan will guide Shee Atiká over the next three to five years as the corporation works to build upon its recent successes.  In addition to expanding its government contracting businesses, Shee Atiká is investing in tourism at Harbor Point in Sitka, and evaluating the economic potential of its properties in Katlian Bay that will be accessible when the state road project is completed within the next two years.
Chairman Rob Allen commented, “This is an exciting time for Shee Atiká, as we move beyond depending upon land sales and investments to a growing portfolio of operating companies.  Over the long term, we are working to provide meaningful benefits to our shareholders, whether they own five shares or 100.”
Current directors of Shee Atiká are Rob Allen (Chair), Roxanne Drake-Burkhart (Vice-Chair), Alysha Guthrie (Treasurer), Norma Perkins (Secretary), James Craig, Lowell Frank, Larry Garrity, Pam Steffes, and Ken Truitt.
Shareholders who wish to receive their funds by direct deposit MUST have a current address on file.  Shee Atiká encourages shareholders with direct deposit to call and verify that their information is correct, (800) 478-3534 or (907) 747-3534.


Shee Atiká is teaming up with the Central Council of Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska to distribute its $277,000 in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) funding from the federal government to eligible shareholders.

Tlingit & Haida has very generously agreed to assist Shee Atiká in administering this program at no additional cost to Shee Atiká or its shareholders.  Up to 1,000 shareholders will be eligible to receive $250 each in relief payments.

ELDERS ONLY WEEK:  We received many applications during Elders Only Week and will be working to process payments next week.


 Here’s how to apply:

· The online application can be accessed here:  

· Application will open Monday, November 15, 2021 for all Shee Atiká shareholders.

· Shareholders without access to a computer can call Tlingit & Haida at (907) 463-7323 (M-F, 8am-4:30pm, Alaska time) to make an appointment to apply over the phone with a customer service representative. 

· Shareholders will need to provide their date of birth, last four digits of their Social Security number, mailing address, and documentation of financial obligations incurred as a direct result of the coronavirus pandemic.

· To be eligible, you must be a Shee Atiká  shareholder who lives in the United States (U.S. government funds cannot be used to benefit people in other countries).

Funds will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis until the threshold of 1,000 qualified applicants is met.                                                                          

Documentation of Financial Obligations (i.e. Proof of Expenses)

When submitting an application for the Shee Atiká CARES program, you must upload one document that provides proof that you were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The $250 payment is considered a reimbursement for either expenses paid or income lost due to COVID-19, so your documentation should show that your expense or loss of income is at least $250.  Some examples of acceptable proof include:

  • Unemployment benefits notice (Did you lose your job and have to apply for unemployment?)
  • Lease agreement dated after March of 2020 (Did you have to move due to loss of employment or the need to quarantine?)
  • Rent receipt (Did your rent go up or do you have an existing balance due to inability to pay because of COVID related reasons?)
  • Rent or mortgage statement (Do you have an existing balance that is unpaid due to COVID related reasons?)
  • Eviction notice (Did you get evicted for COVID related reasons, such as inability to pay due to a job loss?)
  • Hospital bill (Were you hospitalized for COVID?  Did you have to pay for COVID testing?)
  • Hospital discharge paper (Were you hospitalized for COVID?)
  • Form W2 from 2019 and 2020 showing a decrease in income (Did you lose income in 2020 as compared to 2019 due to COVID?)
  • Notice to quarantine (Did you get COVID, or did a member of your household get COVID, or did you have a close contact that required you to quarantine?  Did this requirement cause you to miss work?)
  • Hotel receipt (Did a Notice to Quarantine require you to stay in a hotel?)
  • Childcare invoice (Did you have to pay for childcare because schools were closed and you had to continue working?)
  • Water/sewer/garbage bill from 2019 and 2020 showing an increase in cost (Did your utility bills increase from 2019 to 2020 because you were spending more time at home or your older children or others moved in due to COVID related reasons?) 
  • Receipts for equipment used for distance learning or remote work (Did you have to purchase a computer, tablet, desk, etc…for distance learning or for working from home?)
  • Receipts for Internet used for remote education, training or work (Did you have to purchase internet or increase your internet use/speed package due to the need to work from home, train from home, and/or attend school?  Did your kids have to go to school remotely?)
  • Receipts for masks, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies (Did you purchase any items due to COVID that you would not have otherwise needed?)

Are you homeless and don’t have any of the above items?  Or, do you know someone who is homeless that may need assistance in applying?  Please contact Tlingit & Haida at (907) 463-7323 (M-F, 8am-4:30pm, Alaska time) to make an appointment to apply over the phone with a customer service representative. 

Do you have expenses that you think qualify, but are not on this list?  Do you have questions about other scenarios?  

Feel free to contact the Shee Atiká office to discuss.


Please reach out to the office to ensure your contact information is up-to-date.
Call:  907-747-3534
Toll Free:  800-478-3534
Website:  Contact Us


What is a Testamentary Disposition or a TD?
It is a Will for your Shee Atiká shares and directs Shee Atiká on who you want your shares to go to upon your death.

Why is it Important to Complete a TD?
Without a Will or a TD, under most circumstances Alaska State Law will dictate who gets your shares upon your death.

Make your wishes known by completing your TD!  The Testamentary Disposition is only one page.  It can be found on our website at under Forms or you can contact the office and we can mail you a form or email you a form.  The Form must be signed in front of a Notary Public to be valid.

Contact us to be sure yours is up-to-date.


Shee Atiká Incorporated’s mission is to “preserve and enhance our culture for all generations of shareholders, and to provide benefits to shareholders consistently and on an equitable basis.”

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Questions or comments? E-mail us at or call (907) 747-3534