Shee Atiká Incorporated is pleased to electronically send you August’s newsletter.  We hope you enjoy it.
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Shee Atiká Incorporated
August Newsletter


Thanks to all of you who took the time to participate in the Shee Atiká Annual Meeting in May.  We once again achieved quorum and had a successful election for Board members.  Congratulations to Norma Perkins and James Craig who were re-elected as Directors, and welcome to Steve Karpstein, our newly-elected director.  I appreciate all of the other candidates who were willing to serve our corporation. 

We also want to pass on our thanks and appreciation to Dr. Pam Steffes, who chose not to seek re-election at the end of her term.  Dr. Steffes was a board member for 15 years and served as both vice-chair and chair during her tenure.  We will miss her historical knowledge and thoughtful demeanor.  We wish Dr. Steffes well in her new role as a Tribal court judge for Sitka Tribe of Alaska.

As we adjust to an ongoing Covid world, we are starting to plan for in-person events again.  There will be a shareholder update meeting in Sitka this fall.  It will be an opportunity to see our new updated website, hear about the shareholder portal that is under construction, meet and hear from CEO Karl Potts about our exciting business growth, and ask questions.  Watch for announcements on the date in the next several weeks.  I am excited to finally get a chance to see and interact with our shareholders in person as Chair.  We are planning in-person meetings in 2023 in Sitka, Juneau, Anchorage and Seattle.  We also expect our 2023 Annual Meeting to be in-person in Sitka in May.

The past two years have been an incredible time of growth for Shee Atiká and your board.  The businesses are growing and board members are learning together to be a more engaged and effective governing body.  We are excited to share these positive developments with you.

Until we meet in person, if you have questions, please send them to  Rest assured, you will receive a response and we will do our best to provide the information requested.

It continues to be an honor and a privilege to serve the shareholders, employees, customers, and stakeholders of Shee Atiká.

Rob Allen
Board Chair


The Board of Directors of Shee Atiká, Incorporated held its 48th Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Saturday, May 21st at 10:00AM. Directors elected to serve a three-year term ending in 2025 include James Craig, Steven Karpstein, and Norma J. Perkins. 

James Craig Steven Karpstein Norma J. Perkins

The Board then elected the following Officers: President/CEO – Karl Potts, Chairman – Rob Allen, Vice-Chairman – Roxanne Drake-Burkhart, Secretary – Norma J. Perkins, Assistant Secretary – Larry Garrity and Treasurer – Alysha Guthrie.
Voting Results for Director Election:

James Craig
Karen Dhillon
Norman Johnson
Steven Karpstein
Norman Nault
Norma J Perkins
39,365 votes
22,442 votes
22,461 votes
43,484 votes
33,434 votes
114,752 votes

Thank you to all shareholders who took the time to vote.


Shareholders interested in serving on the Shee Atiká Scholarship Committee should submit an application, resume, and letter of interest by Friday, November 4, 2022 at 5:00pm, Alaska time to:

Shee Atiká Board of Directors
315 Lincoln Street, Suite 300
Sitka, AK  99835
Fax:  (907) 747-5727
The three-year term begins on December 1, 2022.
The Committee meets once per year (via remote communication) usually at the beginning of April to review all academic, vocational, and cultural and heritage applications.
To give you an idea of the workload, the Committee typically reviews 80 -120 applications annually. 
The next Academic Scholarship Deadline is Friday, March 10, 2023.


As you may already know, the Shee Atiká Board has formed a Shareholder Relations Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to ensure consistent and timely communication with shareholders as well as make recommendations to the Board relative to corporate advocacy issues, contribution requests that exceed $10,000 and shareholder benefits not related to dividends.

The Shareholder Relations Committee is made up of three board members (James Craig, Roxanne Drake-Burkhart, and Larry Garrity) and two non-board shareholders. Chairman Rob Allen appointed shareholders Krista Perala (to her second term) and Marcus Cogley to the Committee. Please help us welcome them to the Committee!

Krista Perala

Krista Perala has lived in Sitka her whole life.  She was raised to be proud of her culture and to always volunteer her time in activities and committees that she feels most passionate about.  She has served one term and is beginning her second term on this committee.  “While participating in real issues and concerns our corporation members brought to our attention, I learned that being on the committee was exactly what I needed to do to be that voice that I strongly believe in.  I was able to hear what members were thinking and what they needed, both of which, I thought, were eye opening.  I feel I can bring a strong voice to the committee and, at the same time, learn about out corporation’s inner workings so I can continue volunteering my time and energy where it is most needed, our future as a corporation.  I have cherished my time on the committee and learned some invaluable lessons, which makes me want to continue working…to ensure our shareholder’s voices are heard and acted upon.” 

Marcus Cogley

Marcus Cogley is the great grandchild of Mabel Pike of the Whale House in Klukwan and the grandchild of Benjamin See.  He was born at SEARHC hospital in Sitka and shortly moved up to Fairbanks where he has lived for the last 29 years.  Most of his training is in environmental science, spending the last four years in management positions interacting with clients and customers to explain results and solve water quality issues.  Recently, Marcus and his wife launched an educational business in Fairbanks called Little Roots Learning Alaska LLC, spending significant time learning the best ways to connect with and assist the next generation.  “Chairman Allen wrote in his letter that being sensitive to the next generation’s needs and benefits is a priority and this truly resonated with me.”  Marcus looks forward to helping the next generation of our people to, “not only survive, but thrive by helping determine the best ways to engage with them.” 


Please reach out to the office to ensure your contact information is up-to-date.
Call:  907-747-3534
Toll Free:  800-478-3534
Website:  Contact Us


What is a Testamentary Disposition or a TD?
It is a Will for your Shee Atiká shares and directs Shee Atiká on who you want your shares to go to upon your death.
Why is it Important to Complete a TD?
Without a Will or a TD, under most circumstances Alaska State Law will dictate who gets your shares upon your death.
Make your wishes known by completing your TD!  The Testamentary Disposition is only one page.  It can be found on our website at under Forms or you can contact the office and we can mail you a form or email you a form.  The Form must be signed in front of a Notary Public to be valid.
Contact us to be sure yours is up-to-date.


Shee Atiká Incorporated’s mission is to “preserve and enhance our culture for all generations of shareholders, and to provide benefits to shareholders consistently and on an equitable basis.”

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Questions or comments? E-mail us at or call (907) 747-3534