The 2020 U.S. Census

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Census Partnership Web Badges_4The census counts everyone in the United States and serves as the basis for determining congressional representation and distributing more than $675 billion in federal funds annually to support vital programs in states and communities across the country—impacting health care, housing, education, transportation, employment, and public policy.

For the first time, in 2020 the U.S. Census Bureau will accept responses online. The process will be quick and secure. You can respond to the census in less time than it takes to finish your morning coffee. You’ll still be able to respond by mail. To learn more about what to expect, visit

Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau undertakes a mammoth task: counting all the people residing in the United States. This count affects the allocation of funding for our community’s public resources (e.g., roads, hospitals, schools), how we plan for the future, and our voice in government.

The U.S. Census is also an opportunity to shape the future of Alaska Native communities, families, and individuals by ensuring an accurate count.  Billions of federal dollars are at stake.  The Alaska Federation of Natives have put out a flyer to provide more information to assist Native people in completing the online form correctly so that all Natives are counted.  The form only takes about 10 minutes to complete. 

Here is a link that provides step-by-step instructions to respond correctly for a Native household.

Invitations to respond to the 2020 Census will be delivered March 12-20.  Once you receive that invitation, you can respond online, by phone, or by mail.

What is the Alaska Counts Mini-Grant Program?

The mini-grant program is an opportunity for organizations across the state to apply for up to $250 to conduct local census outreach in their own community. The Foraker Group, as fiscal agent for Alaska Counts, will disburse funds to organizations that apply for mini-grant funding.