Shee Atiká’s independent auditors are with the firm, Peterson Sullivan LLP. They have one office located in Seattle and were named the 2014 CPA Firm of the Year by the Washington Society of CPAs and a finalist in the Puget Sound Business Journal’s 2015 Best Places to Work. They provide audit and other accounting services to a wide variety of clients, including three Alaska Native Corporations organized under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA).
Peterson Sullivan LLP’s audits are designed to identify risks of material financial statement misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. They perform their audits to gather “sufficient appropriate audit evidence” (confirmations and other support from outside third parties) as a basis for their opinion. Once they have gathered enough information to conclude the financial statements are not materially misstated, they are able to sign and issue the reports after obtaining a management representation letter.
An unmodified opinion (“clean” opinion) supports that the financials are a fair representation of an entity’s financial position and results of operations for the fiscal year under audit.
You can view the Independent Auditors’ Reports from the 2015 financials here:
As you can see from the letters, all four provided an unmodified opinion (“clean” opinion). If the corporation were going bankrupt, as some shareholders have accused, the auditors would be required to include that information in the Independent Auditors’ Reports. As you can see, that is not the case. You can download last year’s annual report here.