Annual Meeting Election Results

Board News, Featured News

Shee Atiká, Incorporated held its 44th Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Sunday, May 20th at 1:00PM. Directors elected to serve a three-year term ending in 2021 were Robert Allen, Jr., Roxanne Drake-Burkhart and Gillian Havrilla.  Prior to the voting at the shareholder meeting, Independent candidates Janice Meabon and L. Charles Miller withdrew as candidates.

Voting Results:

Robert Allen, Jr.                      76,308 votes

Roxanne Drake-Burkhart       112,665 votes

Lowell Frank                            58,877 votes

Gillian Havrilla                          75,896 votes

Curtis Nelson                            26,661 votes

During its annual Reorganization Meeting, which followed the shareholder meeting, Shee Atiká’s Board of Directors elected the following Officers: President/CEO – Dr. Kenneth Cameron, Chairman – Dr. Pamela Steffes, Vice Chair – Faleene Worrell, Secretary – Joshua Horan, and Treasurer – Gillian Havrilla.

Thank you to all shareholders who took the time to vote.