Congratulations to the Electronic Proxy Prize Winners! Winners were randomly selected by the Inspector of Elections yesterday. We will be mailing checks by Friday, June 25, 2021 from Sitka.
- $500, Esther Marie Johnson, Greenwood, SC
- $100, Danielle Anagick, Anchorage, AK
- $100, Connie Jean Beemer, Anchorage, AK
- $100, Wesley Michael Bowen, Sitka, AK
- $100, Stephanie Ashley Burkhart, Juneau, AK
- $100, Veronica Jean Chulik, Sitka, AK
- $100, Kira Jadelyn Davis, Sitka, AK
- $100, Sophia Juanita Eastham, Sitka, AK
- $100, Logan Daniel Evans, Sitka, AK
- $100, Grace Irene Gillian, Sitka, AK
- $100, Douglas Walter Gray, Juneau, AK
- $100, Shannon R. Harrison, Wasilla, AK
- $100, Olivia Hartness, Draper, UT
- $100, Jorian Paul Havrilla, Bend, OR
- $100, Jerrick Hope-Lang, Juneau, AK
- $100, Myra Lynn Kodger, Sitka, AK
- $100, Deanna Komar, Juneau, AK
- $100, Virgil Emmett Liberty, Jr., Juneau, AK
- $100, Natasha Rozanne McGill, Sitka, AK
- $100, William Eric Moy, Sr., Juneau, AK
- $100, Barbara L. Murphy, Edgewood, WA
- $100, William Francis Peters, Sitka, AK
- $100, Alice Dorothea Phipps, Jefferson City, TN
- $100, Maurice Jason Ridley, Anchorage, AK
- $100, True Iokia Rocha, Anchorage, AK
- $100, Christina Theresa Sherman, Mill Creek, WA
- $100, Richelle Gail Smith, Colfax, NC
- $100, Merle Elaine Stewart, Sitka, AK
- $100, Trace James Vilandre, Cheney, WA
- $100, Rachael Edenchaw Wells, Chino, CA
- $100, Mary Ann Ziegenfuss, Juneau, AK
Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit their proxy!