At its November planning meeting, the Shee Atiká Board appointed shareholder Brian James to the Scholarship Committee for another three-year term. Brian’s bio to follow:
“Kaanagoot yóo xát duwasáakw, L’uknax.ádi naax xát sitee, Wooshkeetaan yádi áyá xát, Kaagwaantaan dachxán áyá xát. I am the grandchild of Charlie Joseph Sr. I was born and raised in Sitka, currently living in Seattle.
My work background has been focused on healthcare and education and my personal life has been dedicated to learning our culture. As a product of the Sitka Native Education Program, I feel very fortunate to have learned our songs, dances and our subsistence lifestyle. I have been honored to serve on the Scholarship Committee in the past and look forward to once again, serving our shareholders to help them achieve their educational or cultural goals.”
Please help us in congratulating Brian!